понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

euro honda accord type r

I got a customer compliment yesterday, but my happiness over that was canceled out by also getting a customer complaint.

I was doing a cashier shift at the grocery store. A toddler, maybe 2 years old, had snuck a Nutrageous bar off the shelf and was chewing on the outside of it. So I asked if the mother was going to buy it (since it had been in her kidapos;s mouth, which I didnapos;t say so she could hear) and she jovially assured me she would, of course. Yay, right?

So, she removed the slobbery thing from the childapos;s maw and handed it to me. I stared at it for a second, and then she scanned it herself, which is what I wanted her to do. Now, she didnapos;t say anything or even give me a properly dirty look. And it wasnapos;t a protracted, awkward silence with me staring at the candy bar and her staring at me; another split-second and I would have politely asked her to scan it herself because I was uncomfortable with her spawnapos;s saliva. But I didnapos;t have to; she was snappy with figuring it out.

And then she called and complained that I wouldnapos;t scan it

1) Do not complain about me not wanting to touch something thatapos;s covered in slobber and baby germs.

2) Please express your offense to me so I can at least TRY and apologize or calmly explain instead of going directly to my manager with your retardedness.

Luckily, my store manager just laughed at my freaking out over baby slobber and asked me to be "a little nicer." -_-
euro honda accord type r, euro honda accord, euro honda, euro home way.

consumer reports lcd tv's

Iapos;d been hearing a lot about World of Goo recently. When I saw that a demo of the first chapter was available for download on the PC, I tried it out. Amazingly fun. I had heard elsewhere that the WiiWare version was better (pretty much equivalent, but the Wiimote is a very intuitive controller for the game) and cheaper, so I bought the game and have been playing it quite a bit. Am near the end of Chapter 2 (there are five chapters).

Highly recommended. If you have a Wii, get the WiiWare version.
consumer reports lcd tv's, consumer reports lcd tvs, consumer reports leaf blower, consumer reports leaf blowers.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

empire state building number

..apologizing for being a crappy friend.
..making excuses for why I canapos;t be there.
..feeling trapped
..not being good enough, ever.

Isnapos;t my anxiety enough? Isnapos;t that reason enough to have to be antisocial?
I feel like Iapos;d be able to handle it better without all this stress.

Iapos;m trying to fight this.

Why should I make excuses? Why should I cover up the real reasons I never go out? The reasons Iapos;m losing my social life, and friends are slowly slipping away.. No one likes to be avoided, I donapos;t blame them. If it were me, I would act the same way.

I have to do something. Iapos;m starting to panic. I need to regain control of MY LIFE.

Iapos;m starting� to hate love. This is not right. Love shouldnapos;t make anyone feel this way. Maybe Iapos;m defective? Ugh.

Yeah, plus Iapos;m literally sick.. Yay.

Like I mentioned in a previous entry, I could easily stay at my friendapos;s house. That would buy me maybe a month. (He is probably losing his house.) But then what?? I need a plan. I donapos;t even have a car I wonapos;t have one until February at least.
What about my son? I suppose if it came down to it, my parents would let him stay there if it really got that bad..
Will I be able to find a job? Itapos;s hard for everyone right now. And more importantly, would I be able to maintain a job in my mental state? Iapos;m so scared that when I get one, Iapos;m just going to lose it anyway. Every job I ever had I either had to quit because of Gregg, or my anxiety. In one case, I got layed off since it was seasonal.. But thatapos;s an exception.
I have been able to babysit successfully in the past, but I have a hunch it would be harder than ever to get a decent job, since many people are losing their own jobs. Meaning less people would need nannies and babysitters..

I donapos;t know what to do. I just donapos;t.

I have this mindset that I canapos;t do it alone. I donapos;t know anymore..

I need a plan.
empire state building number, empire state building night, empire state building news, empire state building new york usa.

carving photo watermelon

If you watch your friends page constantly, youapos;d have noticed that Iapos;ve been posting huge long journal entries.� Itapos;s not intentional, I promise.� The LJ cut is simply not working for me.� I used the rich text editor first, but it only cut the first pargraph and not a single picture.� I tried to do it manually, that didnapos;t work either.� There are no other lj cut tags in the whole thing, I searched.� Whatapos;s going on?
carving photo watermelon, carving photo pumpkin, carving philippine wood, carving pfeil tool.

contemporain fantastique

Occasionally, mostly during the fall and winter months, i begin to have very real trouble differentiating between my dreams and my reality.

which sounds like it could be fun until you take into account that

a) this means my dreams have begun to rely on source material nearly as mundane as my waking day, which i find wildly depressing and actually a little alarming, and

b) it genuinely begins to interfere with my life canon. I lose track of my instructions, i am confused about who has become what character, which interactions weapos;ve had and which we have not, and who people are to me. I canapos;t tell what iapos;m supposed to be doing or to have done.

iapos;ve been alphabetizing lists for employers who never asked me to do it, iapos;ve been neglecting to send out checks or email replies because iapos;ve dreamed the thought, the walk, the typing, the sending. The peeling and pasting of stamps, in perfect detail. Total fiction. Iapos;ve walked around for days with a sense of relief with regards to stressful issues that i realize suddenly were never actually resolved, and iapos;ve had burning aches in the back of my head that were relating to arguments that never occurred.

iapos;m beginning to really come to terms with this as a problem as of thursday night, when i approached a friend of mine in class and started to joke with her about a conversation iapos;d had earlier in the day.

she was very polite, and friendly, but a little bewildered, and it took me some time to realize that she wasnapos;t my friend. Weapos;d never actually spoken before.

iapos;m not exactly worried that iapos;m losing my mind, per se, but i am concerned about my social and workplace efficiency for the time being. Iapos;ve gone through phases like this before and it goes away. My dreams come in very thorough waves of genre, iapos;ll have nothing but incoherent nightmares for months, iapos;ve dreamed long interrelated epics about someone else falling in love, iapos;ve had a few weeks where i dreamed about very little except a restaurant in which i was watching two people quietly talk without being able to hear exactly what they were saying - and, lucidly, getting very irritated that i couldnapos;t dream about something more incorporating.

iapos;m about done with this, iapos;d like to go back to the epics, iapos;ve had good material come out of it and it was always beautiful to wake up so warm.

itapos;s tacky to say it but i wonder if iapos;ve written this.
contemporain fantastique, contemporain du mode roman, contemporain de tableaux vente, contemporain dart salon.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

diamonds pink

Fuji Finepix F31fd
3 frame photo stitch
hence the rainbowapos;s not a perfect arc like it was in real life.

I had about 30 seconds before I had to hop on the bus, but I was still able to capture this happy ending to a good day at work. �It was an amazing rainbow, too. �You could see all of the colors very distinctly, and if you look at the right side, you can see part of the double rainbow as well.

diamonds pink, diamonds pictures, diamonds peoples store canada, diamonds pendants.