понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

euro honda accord type r

I got a customer compliment yesterday, but my happiness over that was canceled out by also getting a customer complaint.

I was doing a cashier shift at the grocery store. A toddler, maybe 2 years old, had snuck a Nutrageous bar off the shelf and was chewing on the outside of it. So I asked if the mother was going to buy it (since it had been in her kidapos;s mouth, which I didnapos;t say so she could hear) and she jovially assured me she would, of course. Yay, right?

So, she removed the slobbery thing from the childapos;s maw and handed it to me. I stared at it for a second, and then she scanned it herself, which is what I wanted her to do. Now, she didnapos;t say anything or even give me a properly dirty look. And it wasnapos;t a protracted, awkward silence with me staring at the candy bar and her staring at me; another split-second and I would have politely asked her to scan it herself because I was uncomfortable with her spawnapos;s saliva. But I didnapos;t have to; she was snappy with figuring it out.

And then she called and complained that I wouldnapos;t scan it

1) Do not complain about me not wanting to touch something thatapos;s covered in slobber and baby germs.

2) Please express your offense to me so I can at least TRY and apologize or calmly explain instead of going directly to my manager with your retardedness.

Luckily, my store manager just laughed at my freaking out over baby slobber and asked me to be "a little nicer." -_-
euro honda accord type r, euro honda accord, euro honda, euro home way.

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